Feeling the blur....life can sure come at you fast sometimes. If you're prepared, you can just ride it out, but if you're

......you just wanna hide somewhere, y'know?

Or perhaps consult a wise advisor......Snoopy? Is that you?

You can also look to the clouds for the silver lining or the rainbow-whichever makes you feel better.....

.....but ultimately, when life has you "making lemonade" all the damn time, the best you can do is get through each day, enjoy the sunset, and hope for a better tomorrow.

Okay, enough pity party....on with the blog!
My sympathy about whatever's going on in your life, kiddo - I hope you are back to rainbows and sunsets soon.
The frog [toad?] in the corner is such a cool photo, Lisa.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Thanks, Annie....me too. The tree frog was hiding near my white outdoor light fixture, so I presume he was trying to blend in. I've never seen one get so white for camo.
Lisa, I always say when life throws you lemoms, I don't make lemonade, I throw them right back even harder. If times are difficult I find puttering around in the garden always grounds me.
Sending you happiness, peace, tranquility, and a warm hug,
Oh that frog is so cute. Surely he can't be sad. :)
I thought there might be something going on.
Your Number One Fan (me) is sending some positive vibes your way.
Lisa: That post is a good reminder to all of us to stop and smell the roses! Why does life go by so fast? When I was a kid they dragged on and on while I was waiting for summer vacation, the trip to the zoo or the holidays and Santa Claus...I guess we need to reduce responsibilities. Is that possible?
Bob-Thanks for the kind words...you're the bomb!
Rurality-I think the frog was just sleeping, but he sure IS cute!
Chuck-Thanks so much...you are the absolutely best #1 fan ANYBODY could hope for!
Layanee-Good point...time sure does go too fast, I agree it's the responsibility factor, especially for me. Not even that I have too many, just the ones that are there can be beasts! I have "non-stop pleasure seeking" on my schedule for the entire upcoming weekend, so if it doesn't cause more trouble, I should feel better! ;-)
Whew the first photo is making me dizzy. Like the first time I used a camcorder and panned. I didn't realize you can't move the camera that quickly and the results were nausea inducing.
Lisa, I hope that your hedonistic weekend was a success--sounds like you definitely needed it!
Ki-I kinda like the blur, I got a couple more shots that looked like something from a scary movie, when you're fleeing the monster or something.
Kim-Thanks, it WAS a very helpful weekend with lots of alcohol and doing nothing! Although that's not really a healthy way to relax, it sure worked! ;-)
Until the end, I thought you were just being philosophical and all...geez, am I slow or what. Since the weekend is past and all, I do hope you're doing better. All of us blogger buddies think you're pretty wonderful, so think on that when you next feel a bit down. Take good care of yourself.
GG-Wow, thanks so much for the kind words! I'm feeling a rally-type trend coming on now, so I guess I just had to let it out, y'know?
Another great post and while I don't know what is happening in your life, I hope it's over and things are looking up!
I do know how you feel though. My mom always says, "If you don't have any shit in your life, you will." And isn't that the truth?
Here's to better, brighter days! :-)
Thanks Kylee! Your mom is right, some days you step in it, some days you don't! ;-)
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