I have an Orb Weaver down at the chicken house that keeps getting into MY persoanal space. Every evening he/she builds it's web in the doorway and forces me to duck under, but sometimes I forget and turn around to find myself nose to eyeball with a big fat orb weaver. haha v.
WiseAcre-Thank you! Many times they seem to ignore me, but this one got tired of me quick.
Troutbirder-LOL! No recipes, but now that you mention it, crab legs sound yummy!
Monica-Aren't they exquisite? In my "next life" I want to be a bug expert (I'm having trouble spelling entymologist right now :)...but so many bugs have such subtle differences I think it would be very frustrating. I prefer to remain an enthusiast.
V-LOL! I get a web in the face several times a year stepping off the porch to go to work...spiders are so industrious! :)
Thanks Donna, I just couldn't resist including the Beatles' song, it was the first thing that popped in my head as I watched him go round and round the flowerbud to avaoid me.
Great shots. I love how spiders give you the finger when you disturb them.
Shoot. And here I thought for sure you'd have a recipe for a crab salad or something Shelley!
That's very cool. In some shots, it doesn't even look real--I love the color and shape.
I have an Orb Weaver down at the chicken house that keeps getting into MY persoanal space.
Every evening he/she builds it's web in the doorway and forces me to duck under, but sometimes I forget and turn around to find myself nose to eyeball with a big fat orb weaver. haha
WiseAcre-Thank you! Many times they seem to ignore me, but this one got tired of me quick.
Troutbirder-LOL! No recipes, but now that you mention it, crab legs sound yummy!
Monica-Aren't they exquisite? In my "next life" I want to be a bug expert (I'm having trouble spelling entymologist right now :)...but so many bugs have such subtle differences I think it would be very frustrating. I prefer to remain an enthusiast.
V-LOL! I get a web in the face several times a year stepping off the porch to go to work...spiders are so industrious! :)
It's a micro-lemon with 8 legs.
We had some nasty web of some sort that completely covered a few branches of my ornamental crab tree. Darn critters.
Cinj that wasn't a spider, you had some tent caterpillars. They can be awful, my parents always cut off the affected branches and burned them.
Your Crab Spider appears to be a bit crabby. Nice how you worked in some Beatles lyrics to this post.
Thanks Donna, I just couldn't resist including the Beatles' song, it was the first thing that popped in my head as I watched him go round and round the flowerbud to avaoid me.
You've got the best bugs in your garden.
What an awesome looking spider.
Thank you! I really enjoy them all, but the crab spiders are my favorites. (After the pollinators, that is! :)
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