Friday, August 28, 2009

Personal Space

Hey! Look at this lovely crab spider I spotted last spring...

...resting on a forming lupine bloom...

....spinning a web of some sort......and taking issue with my attention!
Get back....

...get back...

...get back to where you once belonged! (Or anywhere really, so long as it's not here!)

Submitted to Friday Ark.


WiseAcre said...

Great shots. I love how spiders give you the finger when you disturb them.

troutbirder said...

Shoot. And here I thought for sure you'd have a recipe for a crab salad or something Shelley!

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

That's very cool. In some shots, it doesn't even look real--I love the color and shape.

Anonymous said...

I have an Orb Weaver down at the chicken house that keeps getting into MY persoanal space.
Every evening he/she builds it's web in the doorway and forces me to duck under, but sometimes I forget and turn around to find myself nose to eyeball with a big fat orb weaver. haha

lisa said...

WiseAcre-Thank you! Many times they seem to ignore me, but this one got tired of me quick.

Troutbirder-LOL! No recipes, but now that you mention it, crab legs sound yummy!

Monica-Aren't they exquisite? In my "next life" I want to be a bug expert (I'm having trouble spelling entymologist right now :)...but so many bugs have such subtle differences I think it would be very frustrating. I prefer to remain an enthusiast.

V-LOL! I get a web in the face several times a year stepping off the porch to go to work...spiders are so industrious! :)

chuck b. said...

It's a micro-lemon with 8 legs.

Unknown said...

We had some nasty web of some sort that completely covered a few branches of my ornamental crab tree. Darn critters.

lisa said...

Cinj that wasn't a spider, you had some tent caterpillars. They can be awful, my parents always cut off the affected branches and burned them.

donna said...

Your Crab Spider appears to be a bit crabby. Nice how you worked in some Beatles lyrics to this post.

lisa said...

Thanks Donna, I just couldn't resist including the Beatles' song, it was the first thing that popped in my head as I watched him go round and round the flowerbud to avaoid me.

MrBrownThumb said...


You've got the best bugs in your garden.

What an awesome looking spider.

lisa said...

Thank you! I really enjoy them all, but the crab spiders are my favorites. (After the pollinators, that is! :)