Spring is raging at Millertime! Finally flowers, and even bees!

The tom turkeys know it's spring, and they're lookin' for the ladies....

....my daffs aren't quite there yet, though. Do you help the foliage and pull off these skewered dead leaves?

I do....maybe not necessary, but it makes me feel better.

Here's a bit of a shocker-english lavender growing like crazy! I didn't think this was hardy up here, and this pot is really out in the open.

This is the cultivar...only thing I can figure is that the 3 foot snow drift over this area insulated it well enough...cool!

Lovely yellow crocus...

....and here's the mass-planting from
last fall that I'm calling "purple haze". Nearly all of them seem to be growing...the anticipation is exciting...

.....and luckily only one obviously empty hole. Pretty good considering how many holes there were!

Nice little red tulips too, with the mottled foliage they are one of my favorites...

....and the
Chionodoxa, a.k.a. Glory of the Snow are blooming nicely. These were just planted last fall, and are tiny but lovely....

....such a pretty blue! More spring action is coming soon.....hooray!!

Yay, Lisa - you have tulips, Chionodoxa, daffodils, crocus! And even Lavender... it can take some cold, but can't stand it's roots locked in water. Maybe the snow insulated it, and being in a pot meant it drained well which kept the ice out of the potting soil?
Happy Real Spring,
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Well, I was gonna say the same thing Annie said about the lavender - I can't beleive it survived being wet all winter!! Perhaps it WAS the pot that did it. I've lost it here with a few days of heavy rain!
Love all the blooms! Man, when winter is over at your house, the flowers don't dilly-dally, do they? :) I can't wait to see your "Purple Haze" bed. :)
Is that an old wringer washer I see at the end of that bed?? I'm jealous! :)
We had 70 mph winds last night and 2 inches of rain in 25 minutes. No power for 11 hours. Most of the rose bushes were in full bloom and now their canes are lying on the ground from the weight of water logged blooms. All the tall flowers that were in bloom are also on the ground. *sigh*
Annie-The pot that lavender is in is very well-drained, and actually very shallow. In fact, other annuals had a real hard time surviving in this container...looks like I found the perfect match!
Vonne-Wow, I really feel lucky to have over-wintered the lavender if even RAIN can kill it! Yea, spring literally explodes around here, and it's exciting but busy. Heh...sounds like you need a wringer-washer planter too! Tomatoes love mine, and it's high enough that animals don't raid it. Sorry to hear about your storm damage...sounds like high drama with the power outage and all. Sure hope your plants all bounce back. Ah well, gives you a chance at a candle light dinner, eh? ;-)
Wow, it's suddenly very springy where you are. How cool about your English lavendar. Now you can justify buying...more! :)
A candle light dinner WOULD have been nice, except the power went out at 9:30pm, and by then, hubs wasn't interested in candle light anything. :)
I found an old wringer washer sitting behind an old abandened house once, but hubs wouldn't help me load it in the truck! He said it was stealing. Hmmph. I've since corrupted him, but I haven't run into anymore washers, yet. Someone, somewhere is probably growing tomatoes in a washer that was meant for me. Hmmmm, you haven't been driving around the backroads of TX. have you?
Chuck-Oh yea, hooray for spring! I agree, any plant this sucessful will have company soon. I had a spanish lavendar out front that didn't make it, so I'll get more of this kind to replace it.
Vonne-Heh...luckily I don't have to drive as far as Texas to find an old washer. In fact, this one was marked "free" by the side of the road, so I knew it was meant for me! :) And now that spring is here, there will be some awesome "curbside shopping" opportunities for more re-purposing and funky decorating. Free IS my favorite price! ;-)
I find leaves trying to strangle Trilliums in the woods like that a lot. I like foiling their evil little plots! ;)
Oh yes, such evil must be stopped! :)
Oh I hate those leaves around the emerging bulbs. Can't wait to see those tulips--I seem to remember you planted hundreds.
Eal-I can't wait, either! All this weekend I was wandering around the yard feeling impatient...we have warmer temps, my spraying regimen is protecting the growing foliage, there are even flower BUDS, but no blooms yet! It's driving me crazy! The one comfort is that the new plantings (the huge "purple haze" area especially) seem as though they will mostly bloom in unison as I'd planned...yay!
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