Monday, June 04, 2007

More annuals planted up....this was actually a week ago, and some even longer, but anyhow...I decided to stray from my monochromatic theme and go purple and white/silver for my hanging baskets. I have one of these on either side of the garage, so I planted them alike, because I must have symmetry in certain places. Then here on the deck, I went with purple and yellow...always pretty together in my book!
More purple and yellow here next to the deck and birdbath...
And my "hummingbird magnet", this old Coke cooler is red and attracts them by itself, so I can't have them be disappointed by anything but red flowers in it. This year, I used this enamel tub for a larger planting area to take the red to the max!

And put together....I think it's looking pretty the summer progresses and it fills out-nothin' but better!
The racks next to it will hold houseplants on "summer vacation" very soon...(a.k.a. when I get a "round tuit" ;-)


Sue Swift said...

Your mystery flower is a zinnia. I had loads very similar last year and more coming on this - but theyre not quite at the flowering stage yet.

lisa said...

Thanks for stopping by and helping me with that ID Sue!

psplanter said...

So what is the name of the housplant that you said was 'hating you'? Is it normal for the leaves to droop like that?