Crime bulletin.....this is Gizmo. He has appeared on this blog before-he is my son's cat, residing in my son's home. When you see this fuzzy face, I'm sure you think "Aww...what a cute kitty! I'd like to pet him...he looks sweet."

But no! He's a killer! Underneath that harmless facade lies the heart of a serial killer!

His primary target-tarantulas! Now I know many of you would say "Good riddance" to these hairy arachnids, but I feel badly for them. Mostly defenseless in their cages (except for the venom and fangs), all content and eating crickets, until Gizmo sends their cages plummeting to the floor! I mean, talk about earthquake!
These three images represent his victims thus far: baby Mexican Red Rump, Mexican Red Knee, and Honduran Curly Hair. Positively shameful! But fortunately, a solution has come to pass...

...just try and kill them now! Thanks to my son's friend, this enclosure will make it impossible for Gizmo to knock them to the floor. But alas, it's too late for these three poor creatures! Now for a moment of silence....

so... you have Pet tarantulas?
No, they belong to my son. They live at his house, but I "spider-sat" for a few months last year and grew fond of them. I plan to buy one eventually...probably this fall. (No, I'm not drunk.) ;)
Hee hee! My Maine Coon looooves bugs. Fall is his favorite time when the entire insect world is trying to get into the house. He chases them, catches them, plays with them and when he's finished, eats them! I think he and Gizmo would get along just fine.
I am still cracking up at the fangs and such you drew on Gizmo! But I do feel badly for the tarantulas--I love spiders.
I fear and loathe all spiders. You know they have eight eyes, right? That's demonic. Gizmo did the right thing.
I knew a guy in college who kept bird spiders. I stopped going over.
Old Roses-as much as Giz and your dog have in common, the cat hates my son's puppy...but bug killing is a definate common interest.
Kim-I'm glad somebody else likes spiders too...although I have no desire to touch them. :)
Chuck-I've seen the goliath bird spiders; huge and fast...awesome! I knew at least one person would side with Gizmo-hope he doesn't keep at them though. The way the enclosure is made, he could open a cage and find himself bitten-sudden death for sure! One of the survivors is an Orange Starburst Baboon spider-very fast and more poisonous than all the others...bad news for Giz!
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