Friday, August 20, 2010

Taking A Bite Out Of Crime

When putting up a bird feeder, protection is very important (especially in areas with a lot of wildlife traffic, like my yard). Sometimes you even need to take it a step further and match the degree of protection to the type of food presented....
....or you may become the victim of a crime!

Well, a crime with a certain "cuteness factor" :)

Submitted to Friday Ark.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I must admit, they've pretty much lost their "cuteness factor" for me. Silly varmints...

lisa said...

They certainly can wear out their welcome quickly, depending upon the amount of damage. Fortunately this was an easy fix-move the tempting feeder to a pole with a better baffle.

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

HA! I've been taking my feeders down over night because the raccoons are really riding my @#$. :)

lisa said...

Wow, that sounds like a real hassle! I found that switching this feeder to a taller pole with a baffle designed for raccoons solved the problem. (I'm too lazy to move my feeders every night, anyhow! ;-)