The show goes on...which is why I like bulbs so much! The blooms really last, which tides me over until my perennials finally wake up. I like the color of this one...

...and these are not only blooming great, but multiplying every year. This is
'Carnival de Nice' , emphasis on

I only planted one bulb per hole originally, and look at them go!

Very pretty!

Even with all the overgrown grass, tulips just pop with color and draw the eyes toward them...

...I can't wait to see the bloom on this
trout lily . I'd never planted these before, but last fall I got three. They all came up, and I really dig the spotted foliage.

This yellow group was planted a few years ago, and bloom improves every spring.

This was my first year with these
muscari muscarimi , but I will absolutely plant more! The scent is just
divine, and very strong (especially for such a tiny flower). The foliage is a powdery blue, and I think the flowers are very cool even though they aren't that colorful.

These are species tulips of some kind (planted before I kept track), and they multiply every year too. They have been here about 6 years so far... (
Update:I did a search and found these online at
Brent and Becky's Bulbs , and they're called 'Little Beauty')... the colors!

All these pictures were taken last week, but still represent the way the blooms look in my gardens. Spring bulbs last a long time up here, especially in cool weather (which we've had plenty of). I usually still have tulip blooms in late June...definately worth the investment for me!
Yeah, that is one nice thing about living up here in the frozen orth, isn't it? I just adore those tulips. I'm going to have to get myslef some of those. That Carnival is simply stunning!
I know all about taking pictures and not posting them right away. Sometimes life's just too busy!
Wow! I can't believe that you still have spring bulb flowers--and that you might through late June. Amazing!
I had those species tulips once...the name is right on the tip of my...fingertips I guess. Prince Charming or something like that.
Where did you get the divine Muscari muscarimi?
Amazing with all your wildlife, nothing digs bulbs out of the ground. Such a problem for me. A lot of money down the drain. This fall, I'm thinking about planting the bulbs in inverted gopher cages.
Cinj-Busy is my middle name lately! I just haven't been able to post to my blog or read others either...ah well, we do what we can, right? I hope to re-do my hosta areas this weekend, and get a package out Monday. :)
Kim-Yea, this cool spring is really maximizing my bulb pleasure! Very thoughtful of the weather to cooperate after all that work last fall. ;-)
Chuck-I got the muscarimi from John Scheepers, and I want more! As for diggers, I sprayed the ground with that Liquid Fence stuff after planting the bulbs which seemed to help. They also have liquid stuff you can dip bulbs in, I've heard even simple chili powder dusted on bulbs will work, and here are some more ideas. I hear the cages work well too, you just have to consider foliage size when deciding mesh size of course.
Wow, beautiful flowers! They must smell so amazing.
Meemsnyc-Thank you! Many of the tulips just smell "mildly pleasant", but that muscari is outta sight! I kept looking around for the source of the fragrance to be a bigger flower somewhere, but it was them!
Little beauty and Carnival de Nice are beautiful. I like the joke on Nice. For me the name tells me of the Riviera, of the town Nice and of its famous carnival, at least famous in France :-) Both meanings fit that tulip well!
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