Thursday, June 07, 2007

Turkey turf wars...this nice-sized Tom was pretty close to the road, so I stopped to get a picture. Then I saw the other Toms he was gobbling at... ...looks like the Bloods and the Crips....or should I say the Beaks and the Tails....he just kept gobbling and walking in their direction...was he trying to join their group? Challenging for territory?
Unfortunately, I was on my way to work, so I couldn't stay to watch the drama play out. I didn't realize they continued to display like this as the season progresses...I wonder if there are still hens to be mated with...or is this just "routine chatter" that goes on all year? Their behavior is interesting to be sure...I just think they're cool. I wonder if they'd let me join their gang? Somehow I doubt it....


chuck b. said...

I think they're cool too.

Love that second picture.

chuck b. said...

"Wild turkeys went after Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory technician recently as he rode his Segway to the office.

They chased him and pecked at him according to a local television reporter who witnessed the entire incident."


lisa said...

Wow...never thought turkeys would give chase like that! You'd think they'd be scared of his Segway, too....glad I was safely in my truck! Of course being hunted makes them more wary around here, too.