Friday, April 06, 2007

Creative architecture...need to add on to your home but you cannot afford expensive building materials? Got a bunch of insulated exterior doors lying around? Then presto! You got yourself an exterior wall! I want to be clear here, even though I've poked fun at some local architecture before I actually mean no disrespect to these resourceful builders. In's another property I admire near my home. This is the first time I've seen someone update a farmhouse with siding where it came out very cute and unique! They're even updating the barn to match-awesome!Then we have a couple building methods which can also be economical and creative-straw bale building and cordwood building. I stumbled upon these ideas while reading Mother Earth News magazine several years ago, and I've always wanted to try something like this myself. Even though the straw bale method looks funny going up, the end result can be downright elegant! Here's a couple links for more info and . My favorite feature here is the crazy-efficient insulating qualities the straw bales have-a boost in any climate.

As for cordwood building...I love the patterns you can make with the wood-like a log home but much cheaper! Nice thick walls provide super insulation, and better still... can even incorporate bottles! Just imagine the sun shining through those...stunning! Here's a couple links for your surfing pleasure and . You may wonder why I'm veering off the garden topic to ponder home construction...I'm brainstorming a major renovation to my place within a few years, and this is what happens!


Unknown said...

I love that bottle-wall... I think that they should have tucked some bottles in with the wood, though. That would have been even better!

When I win the lottery, I'm totally building a straw bale house, btw. And I will also be off the grid... and create some kind of a program that actually helps other people get off the grid, too.

MrBrownThumb said...

Pretty cool.

Once in Az. I saw a how being built with straw bales and always wondered what it was going to look like finished.

Annie in Austin said...

This post was fun, Lisa! There's a small live music and dance theater in Austin that's made of the straw, which looks very Tuscany.

Would it be okay if I used the photo of the Strawbale house in one of my in-progress Garden songs for YouTube ? I like how that house looks. But the bottles would make interesting colored patterns on the interiors, wouldn't they.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

lisa said...

Kim-I'm with you; I want to be off-grid big time! Especially important once I retire, it would really keep expenses down.

Mr. Brownthumb-I think straw would be good for a cold and hot climate, and I was surprised at the look of the inside. The possibilities seem endless.

Annie-sure! Use any pic you wish...

Annie in Austin said...

Thanks, Lisa - I'll let you know when we actually get it put together.


chuck b. said...

Yeah, I like the cordwood house and bottle thing too. Very cool.