Friday, March 06, 2009

Winter Thrills

That's right, it's still winter here at Millertime, though we're having a slight warmup this week. (I'm talkin' 40 degrees...whoopie!) Anyhow, I was out feeding the birds the other day, and the chickadees seemed especially friendly, landing quite close as I stood next to the feeder.
So I decided to put some seeds in my hand, stand real still, and see if I can get one to land on my fingers. Have you ever tried this? I'd seen it done in magazines, but every time I've tried my arm gets too tired and I quit. (Patience is not among my "many virtues" ;-)
He looks curious at least.....
...OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm holding the camera, trying to be still and yet compose the picture...very tough when you're excited!

Success!! Hooray!

It only took 2 or 3 minutes, too! Man, am I "Dr. freakin' Doolittle" or what?! ;-) Submitted to Friday Ark.


WiseAcre said...

Dear Dr. Doolittle,

That's too freakin' cool. Now I want to try. I'm not sure I can stand still long enough though. It's not a matter of Patience but muscle fatigue. The chickadees know some of my best friends are cats.

Unknown said...

Doctor Dolittle is right. That's so cool. He must know just how nice you are!

lisa said...

WiseAcre-I bet you have a good chance, cuz' I have two cats in the house myself yet Mr. Chickadee didn't seem to mind. :) You could always try being seated in a chair with an armrest if you think they will take awhile to work up their nerve.

Cinj-Thank you for the kind words! I think they just understand who fills the feeders! ;-)

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

How cool is that. I couldn't have been still enough. To much excitement.

lisa said...

I can't believe I got pictures that weren't blurry, and I definately didn't have the presence of mind to zoom out a tad to get a better composition. I was just so surprised he actually landed on me!

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Aw, that's so sweet. I love the chickadees and it's so cool to see birds up close and personal. I was wondering how you were managing the camera and the outstretched hand... good job!

P.S. Are you kidding me? I love Mr. Mathers' music; have since back in the day. Not only do we share the same initials, but he grew up about 25 miles from where I grew up (albeit 7 years after I did). Plus, I love rap since way back; Salt 'n' Pepa and Queen Latifah were huge inspirations! :)

EAL said...

Wow! I am so impressed!!

gintoino said...

WOW! I cant even persuade them to use the bird feeder...

Unknown said...

Did you get snow and ice dumped on you in the last storm? We were supposed to get 7 inches but it went to the south. You can imagine that I'm just bobbing in my pillow about it, right? Is it spring yet?

lisa said...

Monica-Yea, I had to steady the camera on my left shoulder, in front of my feeding hand. I think it's awesome that you like rap, especially s-s-s-Salt N' Peppa's here! :)

EAL-Thank you! I was frankly shocked!

lisa said...

Gintoino-Really? I bet they are intimidated by the kitties. Perhaps if the feeders were higher up, or in a spot the cats can't get too close to it would help.

Cinj-Luckily that storm missed me too, I got maybe half a dozen flakes. Whew! :)

troutbirder said...

Incredible. You are tooo good Lynne

lisa said...

Why thank you, Lynne!

Bob said...

That's amazing. I just love chickadees. How you got him to stay is incredible. In my yard the grab a sunflower seed and fly off.

All the best, BOB

lisa said...

They're quick at my feeders, too. I had just enough time to snap three shots in rapid succession before he flew off...the one not seen left most of his head out of the picture.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Congratulations! I want to have a bird on my hand, too! And you managed to get a good shot!

lisa said...

Thank you! It was very exciting!

chuck b. said...

That's so cool! I want to do this! I'm told the jays will come for peanuts. Must get me some peanuts.

lisa said...

Heck yes, you could TOTALLY do this! You strike me as a real sweetheart, and I'm sure the birds would be happy to eat out of your hand! I want pictures, please! :)