Well I'm late to the Bloom Day party this month, but I finally
made it, after missing two in a row. No actual blooms, but the weather finally broke and spring is starting to do its' thing. So here is a tour of the thaw at Millertime. I was enjoying the beautiful sunshine yesterday on Bloom Day, and the cats managed a "jailbreak". (The screen door doesn't latch properly.) Bentley wasn't interested in getting snow on his paws...

...but Gizmo was all about it! He always wanders as much as possible before I re-capture him, so I let him explore a little bit.

It wasn't
that warm really, but after our winter, this felt like 75 degrees! I was out in a t-shirt!

I even found a bug who was awake!

My 'Dragon's Blood' sedum is up and going, and the leaves sorta look like roses...so I kinda had a bloom. :)

Leftover seed heads....

berberis branches await their foliage...

....pink-flowering strawberries are alive and greening, even under the ice!

Slowly the snow recedes.....

.....and the leaf litter reappears....

...as the snow backs away from the tree trunks.

My road is thawing too, becoming a real "off-road experience" as it does....

...paper bark birch peeling off a nice sheet...

...what a gorgeous day!

I like how the ice melts away from the twigs. It reminds me of that old game "Operation", but I don't think I could remove this without touching the sides!

This thaw is a welcome sight for winter-weary eyes for sure...

...and these buds too!

Even froggy here can manage a smile while surrounded by ice!

Hey! 'Luscious' Snowy Woolrush is growing already! Guess that's why it's
snowy woolrush, eh?

Prickly pear cactus re-appears....

....red squirrels pop up too, still using their

All of them!

The chipmunks are awake as well. They caught on to the tunnel protocol real fast, and share them with the squirrels.

Still plenty of snow in the yard....

...even over the top of my tall winter boots!

But we're getting a week of 40's and 50's, so the melt is on!

The river is still pretty solid, but I hear groaning and cracking off and on, so it should look very different by weeks' end.

And so should my plants! Happy Bloom Day and spring everybody!!

For some
real Bloom Day blooms, check out our founder, Carol at
May Dreams Gardens. Go spring, go!
Hello, Millertime. I'm here in Green Bay and it looks like you're seeing a little bit of spring. Are you on the Oconto River? Glad to see your list of WI bloggers. I'll most certainly check them out. Loved seeing your kittys in the snow. All your photos were fun to see.
I like your green plants under ice. I've got two green plants today. Maybe they were yesterday and I just didn't notice? Or were they still under snow?
It sure feels like spring today. Tomorrow is supposed to be nicer too. Melt snow, melt!
I love to see the different bloom day pictures throughout the country! I can't believe you're still under ice. Spring will be here soon!
Donna-Hello in Green Bay! Isn't it great that we're enjoying warm weather?
Cinj-Woot, woot!!! ;-)
Katie-Sometimes it can be hard for me to see the beautiful flowers elsewhere, but at least I have indoor seedling and plant stuff to do. But this weather makes me smile. A. Lot. :)
Gosh, all that snow still? We are having summery like weather around here and its dificult to remember that winter is still with you northern gardeners. Spring will be there soon I hope :-)
Nice pictures! I especially like the one where the leaf is thawing from the ice.
I don't know if they are welcome visitors to your gardens or not, but I really think the squirrels and chipmunk are adorable!!!!
Michelle @ Getting Dirty in Texas
We've been without snow for weeks, and frankly I'd rather have the cover! I also have prickly pear--I love it! Is that a pond or a lake near your house?!?!?!
Gintoino-I think you have a running head start on warm weather in your area. I'm amazed at how completely the plant life is resurrected every year around here, I'd just like it to hurry up! :)
Michelle-Thank you! I think the little critters are adorable too, and they aren't destructive in my garden.
Monica-That's the Menominee River. It's pretty clean and fairly deep, with lots of good fishing-even sturgeon! This house was just a seasonal cabin when I bought it, but the view is totally worth living so far from "everything". (The closest town is like 10 miles). They say that house hunting is like love-when you find "The One" you'll know. Sooo true! :)
Snow tunnels? I know very little about living where it snows, so I guess I never thought to think what the squirrels did under all that snow and ice.
This is the first year I'd seen them do this myself. I did another post about them here.
What beautiful snow and wildlife you have! The snow may postpone your gardenign efforts a bit, but it provides a well worthwhile view of its own.
Thank you, I think so too. In a way, delayed spring is perfect for a seed-starting/overall garden procrastinator like me! ;-)
Holy Cow! This sucker loaded on my dial-up in about 2 seconds flat!!
You totally rock! :)
Glad to hear it! I try to keep my blog as gadget/widget-free as possible, cuz' I have dialup at home too. I can't bring myself to re-size my pictures, but usually that's the only slow part about the page load. (Except the music player at the bottom.)
Beautiful photos! I, unlike many garden bloggers, love to see cats and yours are so cute.
I think the sedum definitely counts as a bloom!
Thank you Iris! I enjoy kitties too, mine included! ;-)
Can Bentley come live with me? Not that I need another cat but he's to handsome to resist.
I love the image of froggy peeking out from the ice. It put a smile on my face too.
Looks like you had some cool things
to see. Hope it warms up for you soon. BOB
p.s. thanks for stopping by my blog:)
Wiseacre-Heh, sorry but Bentley and Gizmo are a set! :) He really is a neat cat, especially considering the abuse he suffered before becoming a rescue kitten when my son adopted him. (He got his name from his severely bent and twisted tail.)
Bob-Thank you for stopping by MY blog! :) I really enjoy all the blogs in my sidebar, I just can't visit all of them as often as I'd like. Honestly, I have no idea how people find time for blogging AND Twitter, Facebook, and actual living-related activities! (Heh, am I REALLY that old? ;-)
What pretty (and chilly) photos, Lisa! I really do love the "roses" on your dragon's blood sedum, btw. Those definitely should qualify as "blooms" in Wisconsin in March! :)
Thank you Kim! I'm trying to accumulate a houseplant collection that will keep me in blooms all season, but this economy and my health issues are really lousing up my plans! ;-)
If I had the space I would so grow me some prickly pears. With my luck I'd probably fall on the patch.
They sure can get big when they're happy....my blackberries give me pause even WITH plenty of space! (I'm prone to clumsiness, and I'm certain that my rakes are all out to get me :) I hope this cactus does get big, because the flowers are just beautiful! (Plus you can make jelly from the post-flower fruits, and I'd love to try.)
Hey! You know, it took me a while to realize this but I think you live near Wagner, WI don't you? Do you know anything about the town? Cheesehead's great grandfather was credited with founding that town in the article I read in the Peshtigo Times.
Wow Cinj, small world! The only thing left of Wagner is the town hall (which is where I go to vote), and the fire department...both are @ 5 miles from my house. I don't know if there was ever a post office or anything, because "Wagner" isn't on the map anywhere. The town sign on the highway that's close to the Wagner town hall says "McCallister", and it's on the map, but there's no buildings or post office linked to that name. The closest post office is @ 12 miles away in Wausaukee....*sigh*. So you see, I really have no idea WHERE I live! ;-)
Heh--wouldn't want to trip in the snow in your garden--might land on a cactus or spiny barberry!
Hi Lisa, I didn't realize until just now, reading the Spring Fling attendees list, that you are going. That's great--I'm looking forward to meeting you! (And cool that you live so near a river!)
Chuck-The hazard is real, my friend! ;-)
Monica-I'm very excited and looking forward to meeting you as well! I sure hope my health improves in time.
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