Was it just me, or did everyone else hear this from their parents as a kid? Seemed like I was told this
very frequently, probably because I felt that the old Sears "Wishbook" was just a giant notepad so my parents could keep track of what I wanted. (Because of course
my desires were their first priority. :) I'm slightly embarassed to admit how little things have changed, and lately the mailorder nursery catalogs are my "wishbooks". This first catalog from
Plant Delights is one of my favorites, their selection is always

The folks at
High Country Gardens have
lots of plants for dry climates, including some wicked cool hardy cacti!

And my other favorite "wishbook" is
Song Sparrow Nursery right here in Wisconsin. They have a particularly large selection of peonies, including some cute rock-garden types. However, in this nerve-wracking economic climate I find myself taking a new approach...

....and sticking to the catalogs selling items I can better afford-seeds! This is a new favorite,
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. They have
tons of interesting (and frankly bizarre) seeds of all kinds, foods and flowers.

This catalog from
J. L. Hudson, Seedsman is loaded with an ecclectic mix of common and rare seeds, as well as very detailed germination information. They even show you how to correctly pronounce the latin names! However, I must get back to the point of this post....

....and focus on actually
using the seeds I already
have. (I've acquired even
more since taking this picture!)

So for me, this will be the spring of "look don't touch", and play with your own toys already!
Some of these companies/catalogs I have not seen before. I'll be looking at them after this comment. I know how you feel but I sucker myself into buying seeds especially if they are from valueseeds.com where they are less than $1. Or whenever there are sales in fall/winter I stock up. Even then I can't help getting a few seed packets throughout the year if i see some things I never thought of planting before. Good luck on planting what you have. I look forwarding to seeing what sprouts for you!
I'd never heard of valueseeds before, thank you for the link! I'm hoping to set up my heat mat and lights this year plus do some winter sowing for an all-out seed blitz! (To replace my usual mailorder plant blitz! ;-)
Why, I hosted a seed swap precisely so I could get rid of some of my extra seeds and be allowed to play with new ones! ;-) I ordered my red yucca from high Country Gardens and the Klehm's catalog is a pure visual delight. BTW, I love your new Shepard Fairey-inspired icon.
I'm hearing and reading more talk of seeds and seed catalogs this year than I ever have before! It's seed fever!
I found the High Country catalogue very interesting when I obtained a copy from my daughter in law in Colorado. Very dry east of the Front Range.
Monica-That seed swap is a great idea! Thank you, the icon was fun to make. :)
EAL-I'm definatley afflicted!
Troutbirder-They certainly have great plants for dry areas, and I think it's a good idea to conserve water even when it isn't an issue. Here in the Midwest, I've had the luxury of minimal water concerns, but this may not always be the case. So through mulching and (this year) collecting rainwater, I hope to use the water I already have more efficiently. Plus it gives my well a break and saves electricity!
That's a whole lot of seeds you've got there. I only have a few here. I sure hope I can find them when it's planting time. I think it's a great idea to use what we have. I've never heard of some of those places, I'll have to check them out.
Oh yes lots, and some are already a couple years old! I just have to bring my "abuse of the descretionary funds" to halt this year, and this will be a biggie for me! (Quitting the coffee delivery club with Boca Java will actually be harder! :(
*ahem* Didn't you tell me that you weren't going to want any seeds? Well, mine are FREE to you, darn it, so I'm sending you a list anyway, Miss Lisa. :)
My dear, ALL rules have exceptions! ;-P Your generosity is most appreciated, and I'm looking forward to seeing "The List"!
Wow! You ARE Miss Mother Nature!!!
Aw shucks, thank you! Whether I can actually GROW these or not remains to be seen. :)
Of course you can.
So, tell us what you have in that big stash of seedy goodness!
Thank you for the vote of confidence, Chuck! :) I have some annuals, some grasses, some perennials, and some veggies...just a big ol' mix of stuff. In fact, if I planted them all and they all grew, I'd be busy the entire summer with just these!
I see all those seeds and I remember I'm in a condo. Darn!
Heh, if you don't mind installing shelves on your walls in inappropriate places, I bet you could make it work! (Just don't let the condo board see your "renovations" ;-)
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