Orphan post rescue...after that meme, I feel like I talk too much, so I say it's time to rescue an "orphan post"...you know, when you start something and don't finish it. So here's some stuff from spring, because for me, it's all about the visuals. :)

Pretty pictures with lot of spring colors.
Here, the heat is setting in, so very soon everything will have a "burnt" color...
Enjoy those greens!
Wow, those flowers are so amazing. Really beautiful.
Verobirdie-Thank you! Sorry to hear that your landscape is getting "crispy", but I bet cacti enjoy it! :)
Meemsnyc-Thank you!
Nice shots, one and all, but I ooooh'd and aaah'd most over the unfurling fern and the light coming thru the clouds. Awesome!
Thank you! I really enjoy pictures in general, I find it hard to read blogs with no pictures. Gotta have the visuals, baby! ;-)
What a cheerful "springy" post!
Are your peonies still waiting to open too? Mine "seem" like they're about ready, but they refuse to. I just don't know if I've got enough ants here.
I was eyeing up some trilliums the other day when I was browsing the internet, but I don't want to have too many "new" plants to keep an eye on and baby at a time. Maybe next year!
I am having serious Japanese maple and trillium envy! (I didn't get to go home to see the trilliums bloom this spring. Wahhh!)
Lisa, are you going to leave us hanging without captions? Great images and I know what most of them are, but not all of them! Which Japanese Maple is that one? I love it!
Cinj-Thank you! My peonies are blooming, but not as early as last year. I know what you mean about new plants to "baby"...it really hits me how much I bought this year when I need to water. (It takes me like 2 hours!) But I really enjoy the "problem", of course I don't have little kids keeping me busy, either.
Kim-I'm really surprised that I can get Japanese maples to overwinter here, but they are only a couple feet tall, too. I bet you could get trillium to grow for you...you should try! :)
Kylee-That Japanese maple was bought from Michigan Bulb several years ago, and they just called it "Japanese maple" :( . Sorry, but that's all I know...it's only gotten about 2 feet tall in 8 years, but I AM in zone 4 after all. Guess I'm lucky it's even alive.
What a great photo tour.
I'm getting visual with it. lol. Everything looks great! I can't wait to find a job so I can spoil myself with garden related addiction.
Deb-Thank you!
Garrett-Thank you! Be very careful when you get your garden addiction started, it's dangerous! Save yourself! It's too late for me! LOL!!
Breathtaking array of photos of flowers and birds. Thank you for sharing them.
Thank you!
I'm glad you rescued the orphan post! :) They are all great pics but I got most excited to see the bird-nest fungi... I've been wanting to find one here!
Thank you Karen! I think the bird's-nest fungi are sooo cute, and they seem to be plentiful here. If you can't find any, maybe I could send you some! ;-)
Great pictures! You have some very unique stuff.
Thank you! I can be a real glutton when it comes to plants....I just want more-of everything! :)
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