My friends, I give you Purple Haze! This is pretty much near peak bloom, though there is one tall tulip yet to open. I can barely feel the stiff muscles I got planting this last fall, and what a gorgeous mass of bloom! This is like 30 feet of tulips, and I think the "random" way I planted them turned out okay.
Some of the cast members...
...funny how the shading varies...
....I like these "peony-flowered" tulips...
.....fringes are cool too...
...even this one that's certainly more pink than purple (oops!)....
....I like this white...
.....hey beetle, don't eat anything, ok?
I love these...
....this is nice too. Similar but different.
Elsewhere my previous fixation with yellow is evident...
...these came with the house...
...and this new pink area planted last fall is coming along. Still a few more to open, but I'm very happy with it already...
....I mean, what's not to like?
My favorite part of bulbs is the way they can survive frost after frost and look great. This has been crucial this spring, because they were blabbing about frost just this week...still! Now my fervent "bulb-mania" seems perfectly sensible...look out this fall, here it comes again! ;-)

Some of the cast members...

....I like these "peony-flowered" tulips...

.....fringes are cool too...

what beautiful tulips you have there. I just love tulips. Unfortunately they wont grow around here.
Thank you! I've heard that there are some varieties that don't require a cold period, but then subterranian varmints still eat them as well. Luckily I don't have too much trouble with that kind of thing (so far).
30' of tulips is a lot of stooping, digging and stuffing, but of course it all seems worthwhile when you see the pretty blooms like these in the spring. Your white, pink and purple tulip collection are so pretty together. I like your peony flowered tulips too.
What pretty tulips!!
Well, that turned out beautiful, and very naturalized. Great job!
Did you get a new camera? Nice shots! Those red ones just pop!
The Shirley tulips add more purple as they mature. Hence the variation that you're seeing. I love the Zurel tulips too! I have these same tulips in my garden. so glad I planted them. They're so gorgeous.
Gorgeous! I love the peony-edged ones.
I carried tulips in my wedding so they have a special place in my heart.
Your swath of tulips turned out just lovely, Lisa - and even a person who is not always crazy about pink could not help but like all the pink, purple, white, rose, and mauve blended and swirled - Happy May!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Northern Shade-Thank you! My step-on bulb planter made the work somewhat easier, but I ran into a lot of rocks. :( I usually sit on an old patio chair cushion rather than stoop-my back does better that way. (Plus being on the ground gets wildlife to come closer. I had a group of turkeys stroll through the yard, getting within 10 feet before they spotted me. I don't have a radio going, either which also helps me blend in.)
Meemsnyc-Thank you!
Vonne-Thank you! Same camera, but the background helps that red tulip pic, I think.
Oldroses-Yea, I'm very happy with these tulips. They seem to multiply every year quite happily here, must be the sandy soil and reliable blanket of snowcover. (I do fertilize them all religiously as well, but all plants need food anyway.) Makes the investments of time and money well worth it for me.
Tam-Thank you! I think my favorite part of planning a wedding would be the flowers! :)
Annie-Thank you! Happy May yourself! :)
Wow. What a wonderful collection of tulips you have. They're fabulous, I love the color varieties too.
I love the 'Purple Haze' area! (The pink... not so much. But I can say that, because you know it's nothiing personal. lol.)
We might get a frost tonight. It may get down to... you ready for this? 34!!! SHEESH!
Cinj-Thank you! These babies have really been cheering me up, because out weather is so cool, nothing else is really blooming yet. And it's almost June!!
Kim-Heh, somehow I knew you'd feel that way! ;-) Yea, how do you like that frost after Memorial Day? Pretty special, eh? Yesterday morning, my windshield was COVERED with frost! Luckily, I only lost 3 annuals...sure hope that's it for frost, but who knows...*sigh*.
I know what you mean about not much blooming yet. We're in the same boat, but at least we have a few blooms to enjoy in the meantime, huh?
I see your tulips swaying to a heavy guitar solo rocking in the distance.
Cinj-Yea, sparse perennial action really makes me LOVE the tulips right now!
Chuck-Oh yea! I think I hear the wind crying "Mary"....
Bulbs are great, aren't they? Don't forget that there are summer and fall blooming bulbs too for almost year-round enjoyment!
Oh yea, year-round blooms are alright by me! I'm confined to bulb-forcing when the winter winds are howling, though. I did plant some summer-blooming bulbs last year, and I have a few fall-blooming crocuses. Always room for more, of course. :)
Your tulips are/were beautiful. Unfortunately, around here they would just be deer food.
Marvin @ Nature in the Ozarks
I love all your tulips! I don't think they like the hot weather here too much. At least, I've never had a lot of luck with them.
Marvin-Thank you! They would all be deer food here too, if it weren't for the Liquid Fence I spray all the time.
Karen-Yea, tulips generally prefer the nice cold winter to "sleep and re-charge", but there are some varieties that need warmer weather. But then again, you have to want a plant pretty bad to experiment and put up with crop failures over and over. I prefer easy! :)
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