Never too late for another project...okay, this
was two weeks ago, but anyway...this wheelbarrow has been full of potted, "homeless" daylilies all summer....

....but something happened on the way to the summer spot-oops! (I transported the pots
inside this decorative but not very functional wheelbarrow)...rats! So why not just leave it here as a large planter?

The only problem with that is this gap underneath....sure won't help anything winter over, I'm betting... why not stuff it with pony manure? Came up short, but I should be okay if I get more and finish before too long.

Now to plant it up....but the slats may allow too much soil to escape... about using some of this rolled burlap? Then I see how open the weave is...damn! Somehow, I thought this was a tight-weave burlap like a feed sack...*
sigh*...oh well.

So roll the dice and just plant it up, already! I put a couple "sacraficial plants" in the back, in case they don't make it...these are 'Stella D'Oro" and an old-fashioned orange, both of which I have plenty more of.

Okay! Now I do a little dance, say a little prayer, and hope they all come back!
A nice little project Lisa. I turned an old wheelbarrow into a planter too but mine was made of metal and I had to drill some holes in it so that the water could get out.
BTW there's lots of pretty kittycats at Bliss again for you to admire. ;-)
Cornish Rex are great cats, very sweet but they are a bit of a handful. Sure you don't want a Maine Coon instead? They are such fun cats, easy going, very much into gardening (the supervising bit) and great as family pets too.
Hi Yolanda! I sure hope it all works out, but so far most all my planters winter things over just fine. I heard that Cornish Rex tend to get into things a lot, but I want to have a very un-furry kitty. I'm considering my options though....we'll see.
I love your 'planter'! I wish I could do things like this, but here in Tex-ass, everything dries out too much for me... I ain't into watering shit twice a day. :(
BTW - I agree with Yolanda! I grew up with a maine coon. Best cat I ever had... The furry thing would put you off though. Although they shed in clumps, not wisps of fine hair. Big honkin cats! We called ours - Huey (for Baby Huey)... heh
Vonne-Thank you! I'm hoping this isn't a "water hog" all summer....we'll see. (I may have created a monster! ;-) Oh yea, I just can't have fur in clumps...I had a siberian husky/malamute cross before, and she did that-yuck!
That is a great idea ... I hope they survive - they will!!
Kate-Thank you! If by sheer will and well-wishes, then they're a shoo-in!
Cool planter! Those are tough plants, so I imagine they'll be fine. Can't wait to see photos nest summer!
Thanks David! I have been lucky with daylilies' hardiness, in fact I have a plant growing under my porch, in the SHADE, from roots I tossed there 8 years ago! They don't bloom, but every year I see more foliage peeking out, so I think they're marching toward the sun, trying to escape. :)
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