A witch for Halloween...my
witch hazel is blooming! And despite a nasty, dry summer, it's blooming better than ever!

I sound surprised with good reason-this tree is tiny! Like maybe 3' tall (being generous). I don't blame my source,
Forestfarm ...it was only tube-sized when I bought it about 3 years ago (like 8" tall). I blame my lean, sandy soil for slow growth. But amending with manure the past couple years has helped.

I just think these are so cute, like little spiders! (Sorry Chuck! ;-)

And there's the extent of my Halloween decorating! Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!
I also purchased a witch hazel from ForestFarm a few years ago. I think they must just be slow to get established. Mine is just now gaining some growth. It still hasn't bloomed profusely yet but I did have a few blooms last year. I'm thinking mine blooms in the winter.
I think witch hazels are somewhat unpredictable bloomers, cuz' mine got a single bloom on it last year, in February!
I longed for a witch hazel when I started gardening. I've actually never seen one in real life.
Your first witch-sighting? So what do you think? Still want one?
Oh, I've seen them in pictures online. But I've never actually seen one person-to-plant. I think there's only one species indicated for my area; H. chinensi, maybe.
It's one of those things I'm now satisfied to enjoy in pictures. I don't want anything that won't do well. Must be a good reason why I've never seen one in real life...
hello, just found your blog..
I believe we have a lot in common..
like Mykology..just visit my blog
guildwood.blogspot.com a lot of new pictures about mushrooms.
My other blog guildwoodgardens.blogspot.com here you can admire our newest addition to the garden the giant slug.
I live in Ontario, Canad
cheers Gisela
Wow, isn't this kinda early for it to be blooming? I thought it was a late winter or early spring kind of thing. I'll have to go out and check my witchhazels but I wasn't aware that there were even buds yet. We haven't even had a cold snap yet. Some of ours has a sweet but faint scent. Does yours?
Guild_rez-Thanks for stopping by! I will visit your blog ASAP, but I am fully engulfed in "bulb-mania 2007" right now...
Ki-I got right up to these blooms and sniffed them-no scent :( I'm a tad confused (as is my witch hazel, I believe) about exactly when these bloom...I've seen February, and now this in October...I can only surmise it may be temps. We have seen two minor frosts up here to date, so maybe that did it.
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