Anticipation is rough, but the rewards will (hopefully) be sweet...some bulbs are here, but I need them all to get started planting. This is my garden book, where I log my garden progress, composter notes, as well as track my orders. I like to paste in the pictures, I remember what I was planning to do with my new arrivals.

As you can see, this year's order is a lot of purple tulips, some reds, and a white combo along with a blue combo. All total, there will be over 400's a sickness...

In the blues, there will be some mini irises, a couple double blue hyacinths, and a bunch of snow glories.

Some pink/yellows, too...mostly tulips, with some "pink buttercups" mixed in...

Got some muscari to add in with my big "purple haze" area, and a few to plant here and there...mostly unusual color and form types.

I got a white combo too, the white blend of tulips, some white narcissus, and white snow drops (regular and doubles)...

As for sources, they are:
John Scheepers,
VanBourgondien (three separate orders), and
Dutch Gardens. Hopefully planting will commence soon!
400 Tulips - wow! That's going to look fabulous.
Cutting out the pictures is a great idea. I started doing that a couple of years ago, but I don't always get around to pasting them in a notebook.
Lisa, are you of Dutch descent? ;-)
You've chosen a lovely selection of tulips and 400 bulbs sound like barely enough. I don't know about you but every spring I think: more bulbs, I've got to plant much more bulbs!
Entangled-Yea, I figured that out of 400, if even HALF bloom it should be really nice. I like the pictures to keep the groupings straight in my head (plus it extends my excitement for what's coming!)
Yolanda-Actually I'm a real mix of nationalities, mostly Scottish/German/English with alleged American Indian somewhere. I agree with you-ALWAYS room for more bulbs! ;-)
That's such an interesting way to log your flowers. Do you arrange them on the page the way you plant them in the ground? It's a nice way to go back to care information too without having to search through the net or books.
Vanillalotus-Heh, every time I type your screen name, I almost type "vanilla-licous"...silly me. I actually group pictures together by source I purchased from. The planting I decide when they arrive, but this way I can just look in my book to remember what the colors all are, since the names aren't always descriptive.
What a great way to keep track of what you've purchased. I'm afraid it's still too much work and organization for me. I'll have to keep it in mind if I get ambitious one of these days.
Ki-I started this a few years ago, and it really helps me keep track of what I'm doing. I don't keep up with my "activity log" portion quite as well since I started blogging, but I like to be able to look back and see what was going on last year, and what some of the plants were supposed to look like in case they didn't grow true to type. This came in handy with a peony that took two years to bloom, cuz' when it did, there was no resemblance to what I bought. Then I was armed with the information as to purchase date, etc. so I could contact the seller. (They gave me a credit.)
Cool book! I'll bet those make for a fun read.
Chuck-Absolutely! This is my favorite "winter garden reading", fun to look back at my plantings and projects to keep a handle on the big picture, asessing progress. It can be sad when I see all the things I ordered that didn't make it, though.
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