Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Food is where you find snow isn't this deep anymore, but I've been overrun with squirrels lately, and I wanted to share their antics. When I looked out and saw this furry tail sticking up out of the snow, I thought "What the heck is he doing?"...then I remembered there was cracked corn on the ground in that spot, under the snow. Then another hungry squirrel is seen through the screen, figuring out why this cone is called a "baffle". But it's all good, as demonstrated by this poser on top of the arbor, "That's right ladies, I am too sexy for my fur"


choconet said...

clicked "next" and found your blog. the squirrel is soo cute! :)

lisa said...

Thank you choconet! And thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I love squirrels.

And by the way, I've tagged you with a meme.

Can't wait to see what you do.

Zondra said...

I am so glad to read of someone else besides myself watching these creatures run a muck through the yard! They are the funniest thing to see when nothing else is going on. Zondra from Pound, WI

lisa said...

Thank you zondra and acwo for stopping by! Hank, I look forward to checking out that meme!